2023 CNA Board Candidate

Michelle Graves
Running for: 
ANA Membership Assembly Representative


Professional Education:

Associate degree nurse

Current position held and experiences with change leadership.:

Director of nursing & infection preventionist.

ANA/CNA experience (current & past):

I have been a member for several years.

Please describe experience with governance, management, public speaking, and/or financial management.:

I have been a nurse since 2003. I have been a director of nursing for almost 10 years, leading other nurses, nurse aides and the rest of my team to excellence in quality, even through the global pandemic. I currently serve as a long-term care representative for the CDPHE HAI Advisory Committee.

1) Please describe what members should know about why you seek being elected to this office or position?:

As a nurse I have done everything in my power to improve the quality of life for each of my patients/ residents. I strive to do the same for my staff, as a director. An appointment with the nursing association is the best way for me to do this for every nurse.

2) What priorities do you see for CNA at this time?:

Work place safety and infection prevention/ control.

3) As a potential member of the CNA Board of Directors you have a Duty of Loyalty to CNA. That Duty of Loyalty is defined as being able to put the interests of CNA above any others. Please indicate if you have a real or potential Conflict of Interest personally or financially that may impact your ability to vote on select CNA business.:
