Risk Management Article from NSO

Workarounds: How nurse leaders can minimize their risks
Nurses must contend with many competing demands during a typical shift, often causing them to seek ways to compress everything they must do into a short time frame. In these situations, it can be tempting to engage in “workarounds”, subverting policies, procedures, and even standards of care to pick up precious minutes. This article will talk about the causes of workarounds and why they pose a risk to patients. This article will also offer suggestions for nurse leaders and healthcare administrators to help them cultivate an environment that supports nurses so they can deliver care safely.
This case study is currently available on the NSO website here.

Substance use disorders and drug diversion among nurses: What you need to know
Drug diversion occurs when a healthcare clinician, such as a nurse, diverts a drug intended for a patient for their own purposes. Clinicians may steal drugs to sell or to use themselves because they are suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD). This article discusses the incidence of SUD and drug diversion among nurses, the consequences of drug diversion, and recommendations for identifying and addressing SUD and drug diversion.
This case study is currently available on the NSO website, here.