ANA New RN Webinar Series

April 3, 2017

This year ANA will be launching our first ever New RNs Webinar Series.  The webinars are free and focused on relevant topics for new nurses.   The first year as an RN is critical and we want to make sure new nurses are ready and prepared to thrive.  This is a great opportunity to cross-promote the series with members and non-members in your state to ensure they are ready for success as they navigate through their career.  The webinar series is a great engagement strategy for members and lead generation opportunity for non-members.  

Upcoming Webinars:

How to Bounce Back After Challenges at the Bedside

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 12:00 PM EDT


How to Protect Your RN License

Wednesday, June 07, 2017, 12:00 PM EDT

To learn more and to register for the webinars, please click here.